
My wife, Nicola, and I were in a car accident in Africa that should have caused feelings of terror. We were passengers in a “taxi” with eight or nine other people on our way from Nairobi to Tanzania when our driver spotted a Maasai man herding his cattle across the road. After pumping his useless brakes a few times, he attempted to drive around the herd. He swerved into the dirt beside the road smashing into the head of the lead cow. Then, he attempted to swerve back on the road. After a whoop from the husky woman seated beside Nicola, the driver attempted to return the car back to the tarmac. The tires gripped the edge and we went careening off to the far side of the road. The driver turned back. The car rocked and then shot back in the direction we’d come. He tried one more time to straighten it out before the vehicle started to roll and roll and roll. Not once did the idiot think to take his foot off th...