Macdonald's - Fiend or Friend

Macdonald – originally Scottish Gaelic meaning son of world ruler. Macdonald’s - the world's largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants, serving around 68 million customers daily in 119 countries across more than 36,000 outlets. Wikipedia I’ve always hated Macdonald’s, it’s food, it’s plastic interior and its schleppy clientele. And yet, when refuge is needed in the most mundane and perverse of circumstances, it’s always been there. When our family was young and we were on the road and inclement weather prevented access to playgrounds and picnic areas, it was to Macdonald’s we’d often go for a break. The kids would stuff pieces of fried food in their mouths before escaping to the Playplace . It was then that my wife and I would finally get a break to share a coffee and discuss whatever heavy and depressing matter with which we were forced to cope. There was the Sunday we started on our camping trip from Amsterdam an...