Hurricane Irma Relief Funds - some ideas

For those interested in helping with the hurricane relief, there are a number of efforts in place and the best way to support them is with money. The Center for International Disaster information encourages people not to send food, clothing and household items. They say Sorting clothing - Slave Lake that it causes problems with transportation and logistics that actually interfere with more urgent needs. I know we spent hundreds of man hours sorting clothes in Slave Lake after the 2011 wildfire with very little benefit. In the end, we had truck loads of clothing left over that could not be disposed of in the community. Much was sent to landfill . To donate money, the Hurricane Irma Relief Fund has been endorsed by the New York Times and Newsweek magazine with a 4/4 star rating from Charity Navigator . Donations first go to the survivor's needs for food, fuel, clean water, hygiene products and shelter. Once those needs have been met, funds will be use...