Generalizations - those theories about other people that almost cost me our lives

I have a theory about guys who drive pick-ups because it’s not often women who drive them and when it is, I figure nine times out of ten, it wasn’t her choice or she owns a horse. I see moms trying to hoist a baby seat into the cab and I think, My God, there must be another way. Like a van or a car. For guys, there’s the young ones who drive like mad men on the highway, in the city and town passing everything in sight. There’s the farmers, practically oblivious to all other traffic on the road, varying speed depending on their mood and then, amongst the farmers, there’s the old ones, averaging ten to twenty kilometres below the speed limit. Finally, there’s the regular guys who drive like everyone else only in a pickup. A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I are driving to Edmonton from Slave Lake and we’re about twenty kilometres south of Westlock and behind a truck doing about 85 kilometres an hour. And I think, “old farmer.” Far ahead, I see a pick-up parked on a s...