Yellow Vesters, Channel Your Anger

I’ve got to say I’m a little confused about the anger surrounding politics these days. In Alberta, it seemed to start with election of the NDP as the governing party in 2015. Threats both direct and veiled were circulated through social media and even at public events such as the Big Oilmen’s Association golf tournament in 2016 when Rachel Notley’s face was used as a target for golfers. Recently, men and women donning yellow vests have been demonstrating in communities across the province. And they’re angry. Angry about the pipeline, the carbon tax, “Globalist U.N. and their tyrannical policies.” I understand the anger and frustration. People have lost their jobs to which they may or may not be able to return. What I don’t understand is the generalized nature of that anger. The Yellow Vest Canada Facebook page with 107,800 states that “this group is to protest the CARBON TAX and the Treason of our country's politicians who have the audacity to...