Magical Thinking and Jason Kenney

Magical thinking is the belief that one’s thoughts, actions, words or use of symbols can influence events in the physical world. 1 Children and adults before the age of science used magical thinking to explain the world, like religion. Some would argue that religion still plays that role today. I was quite big on magical thinking as a kid and still slip into the habit as an adult. My mother put huge pressure on me to do well in school to which I responded with magical thinking rather than applying myself to activities that would actually make a difference. For example, if I got to the gate with the garbage before the back door swung shut, I would get into university. If I sunk ten hoops in a row in the backyard, I’d do well in my upcoming piano exam. I’m sure you can see the stupidity of it. It’s all about feeling safe. I sought that reassurance in an activity over which I felt I had control. Before science, people sought control of weather and disease in th...