Common Sense and the COVID-19 pandemic.

CBC radio news recently featured a story about demonstrators congregating at the state legislature in Lansing, Michigan to protest stay-at-home orders issued by Governor, Gretchen Whitmer . A comment made by one of the protesters confused me for a couple of reasons. First that he would say it. Second that CBC broadcast it. Mike's on the far right. Mike Detmer, a Republican congressional candidate and one of the participants at the protest stated that the government needed a common-sense approach to handle the COVID-19 pandemic. He elaborated by saying that the citizens can’t just sit back and allow their freedoms to be stripped away. “Once you do that, you don't get them back.” What did he mean by common sense? Was his approach common and did it make sense? According to the Merriam Dictionary, common sense can be defined as “sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts.” Could the simple perception of Mr. Deitmer’s and other p...