The Conundrum of the Anti-Maskers

As an almost lifelong Albertan who is somewhat left of centre, one would think I would be accustomed to contrary points of view. Yet, recent events have left me perplexed. The election of Donald Trump and then, after his COVID ignorance, the closeness of the 2020 election. And now, the no-masker movement. What gives? Lately, I've been listening to Fareed Zakaria's book, "Ten Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World." Basically, his thesis is that the pandemic has highlighted many problems with the American system of government. In Chapter 3, "People Should Listen to the Experts - and Experts Should Listen to the People," Fareed talks about the power held by experts and lack thereof left to the plebeian masses. Fareed calls experts the new ruling class. He quotes Michael Lind in his book, "The New Class War." On one side, we have the experts. On the other, the general public. Fareed says that "Advice by experts is part of the domination of the new r...