My Valentine's' Day Story

My wife and I met in Shanghai China in 1984. She likes to say that we met at the airport in Vancouver and we did have a short conversation on the flight from Tokyo and she told me that she was from Sexsmith and I asked why and she said, it’s not so bad. I’ve got a boyfriend. I figured enough said. Fortunately, for me and maybe Nicola and certainly our kids, I hadn’t realized the full gravity of my charm. After all, she became my wife, an honour she treasures to this day. You wonder how I did it. Well, first of all, I had a ride, and if you want to get a lady you gotta have a ride. Mine was a dark green glider bike with a book rack on the back, perfect for a young lady to side-saddle. And my ride attracted a lot of attention. First of all, no one except communist officials and taxi drivers owned a car so there were only bikes and mine was brand spanking new. And the brand? Phoenix, only the best. We attracted a lot of attention being a couple of the few white people in the...