Anthropomorphism and Our Dogs, Pippa and Finian
Anthropomorphism, that’s when people attribute human characteristics to animals. Humans and animals share the same genetic origin and so, share common characteristics. This was an idea postulated by Charles Darwin, later disregarded by scientists who believed “animal behaviour revealed simple mechanical laws that made mentalistic explanations unnecessary.” 1 But, lately, scientists believe that animals do have human characteristics. For example, personality has been observed in birds, horses, cats, and, of course, dogs. May I introduce our own, Pippa and Finian, Finny for short. They are both terriers of the Scottish variety and share a genetic desire to kill small creatures. When one of these creatures climbs a tree or retreats in a hole, Pippa will cry in frustration. Kill. That’s all that seems to be going through her head and Finny isn’t much different. The dogs and us on the trail Recently, I had Finian on the leash in the treeless, alpine region of the high mo...