Crazy - it's all around us
A few days before Christmas, my wife and I were
suddenly woken by a phone call at 6:30 in the morning. With much
trepidation, Nicola picked up the receiver located on her side of the bed.
A phone call at this time in the morning is either a wrong number or bad
news. Unfortunately, this was the latter. Our eldest was phoning
from Heathrow Airport to say that she hadn’t been able to board the plane for
Minneapolis because her first and last names had been switched on the ticket.
If the clerical error had been identified prior to boarding, a correction
to her name could have been made. Now, she would have to pay 750£ or
$1250 Canadian to book a new flight.

the flight attendant think for herself? Didn't she have a mind or
was she mindless because anyone with a mind could have figured this out. Then
I thought, to be without mind must be the definition of insanity but then I
looked it up though, I discovered that insanity is a legal term. It refers to being of “a deranged state of
the mind usually occurring as a specific disorder.” However, the word crazy
doesn’t come with such encumbrances. Merriam Webster defines crazy
as being “full of cracks or flaws: unsound” which would pretty much exactly describe
the flight attendant’s lack of thinking.
few hours after the first phone call, our daughter phoned again. She’d gone back to the check-in area of the
airport to book a new ticket where she’d been told to return to the lady who
had originally not allowed her on the flight who was now in a more forgiving
state of mind. She wouldn’t charge Jordan the difference in fees
between the cost of the ticket she’d originally bought and its present
value. However, Jordan would have to charge a 125£ fee for
rebooking. Jordan would be leaving on a flight the next day. She
was now arranging for someone from baggage to escort her back into the secured area
of the airport to get her suitcase.
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Mongolian Yurts |
isn’t the first time I’ve come across this kind of bureaucratic craziness.
In 1984, I watched what I thought would the last of who
would become my future wife wave as she proceeded to the boarding area of the
Beijing Airport. I then boarded a train
for Hohhot in Mongolia and spent two-days on a tour of the Mongolian plains.
Upon return, I attempted to check into a Peking Hotel for two nights
before my flight left for Tokyo. I’d reserved a bed in the dorm room
except when I went to check-in, I was told that the hotel didn’t have a dorm.
Not knowing what to do, I asked the New Zealand friend I’d met in Mongolia if
I could leave my bags in his room. Overhearing my request, the clerk told
me that I could leave my luggage behind the desk with the rest of the bags left
by people who were staying in the dorm.
you do have a dorm?” I said.
he replied. “But if you come back tonight we will.”
huh? That was China, 1984.
entering the hotel, we’d seen a girl kneeling on the pavement begging to one of
the clerks standing nearby for something although we didn’t know what. A half-hour later, while showering in the
men’s washroom for residents of the dorm that didn’t exist, I heard hysterical
screaming coming from outside. By the time, I wrapped a towel around myself and went
to the window to investigate, the screaming had stopped and the girl was sitting on the edge of the sidewalk in front of the hotel parking lot conversing with the hotel clerk.
I decided to investigate and when I arrived in the parking lot, she was crying uncontrollably. Her British friend explained that they’d
booked a room for two in the hotel through CITS, the Chinese International
Travel Service. )Shits as it was known to
travellers.) The girls had been told that the rooms would cost 32 yuan a night
but upon checkout, they had been charged 38.
She said they were on a budget and couldn’t afford the extra cost. I knew this couldn’t be entirely true because
budget travellers didn’t stay in a room.
They slept in dorms with guys like me.
told her to pay the difference. After all, I said, I’d paid 38 when I’d stayed in
a room at this same hotel earlier in the week. Rather than being comforted by this
information, the hysterical girl became anger with me. She said that she was not
going to pay the 38 yuan and to press her point, she'd given the desk
attendant only enough money to cover 32 yuan a night. The attendant countered
by holding her girlfriend's luggage which would be returned when the difference
was paid. I wondered why the two girls were
wasting their holiday on a Mexican standoff for a paltry sum worth the equivalent of $3 Canadian?
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One of my group on a camel |
During my time spent in Mongolia, I’d been completely dependent on a group of Hong
Kongers because I knew virtually no Mandarin and almost no one in Mongolia spoke English. So, I had to depend on them to translate. They thought I was
crazy. What was I doing touring a country where I knew practically no words in their language besides beer, thank you and the name of the university where I had studied? Nevertheless, they took pity on me and arranged for me to join them on a two-day tour of the Mongolian plains.
Even though they were nice and smiled at me a lot, none was interested in engaging me in conversation. So, I looked around for someone who would. Then, at lunch on our second day, I heard what I was sure was English. We were in a cafeteria style restaurant seated on benches at tables in a series of parallel rows. I stood to get a better idea as to where this conversation was coming from but I could see nothing but a sea of black hair. Then, I heard the words again and that’s how I met Gilbert. He’d been working in Hong Kong and was on holiday in Mongolia. When I introduced myself after lunch, he seemed as happy to find another English speaker as I. He even forgave me for identifying his accent as Australian. I was told in no uncertain terms that he was from New Zealand, not Australia. I apologized and said that most people I met when abroad assumed I was American which I didn't really like either.
Even though they were nice and smiled at me a lot, none was interested in engaging me in conversation. So, I looked around for someone who would. Then, at lunch on our second day, I heard what I was sure was English. We were in a cafeteria style restaurant seated on benches at tables in a series of parallel rows. I stood to get a better idea as to where this conversation was coming from but I could see nothing but a sea of black hair. Then, I heard the words again and that’s how I met Gilbert. He’d been working in Hong Kong and was on holiday in Mongolia. When I introduced myself after lunch, he seemed as happy to find another English speaker as I. He even forgave me for identifying his accent as Australian. I was told in no uncertain terms that he was from New Zealand, not Australia. I apologized and said that most people I met when abroad assumed I was American which I didn't really like either.
and I hung for remainder of the tour. We had laughs riding camels, were equally
impressed by the warmth and coziness of a Mongolian Yurt and amazed by the display of stars at night. Then, while packing, I discovered that we
wouldn’t be travelling on the same train. Cam, Gilbert’s Hong Kong friend, who was fluent in Mandarin said that we could trade the tickets at the station which we did. The problem was that reserved seats were no longer available. The rest of the seating would be what? First come, first served? Cam was reassuring and said they’d save me
a seat.
our train drew to a stop at the station, a mass of humanity in green pants and
matching tunics crammed the doorways to the carriages. When the doorways became blocked, they'd climb over one another to get inside. Those who'd got inside would then their friends
through the windows of the carriage. All
I could do was stand back, watch and admire their determination. No
way was I ready to participate in that kind of craziness. If I couldn’t get a seat, I’d just buy a
ticket for the next train.
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28 hours on this |
By the time I got on, all the benches were occupied. Those who couldn’t find a seat were claiming
space on the floor of the aisle. Stepping through luggage and over bodies, I managed to find my friends. They
were facing one another on hard benches ready to spend the next 28 hours in relative
discomfort seated without the ability to even recline. If lucky, I’d be able to join them. Otherwise, if I stayed on the train, I'd be stuck on the floor.
Even though the seats across from Cam and Gilbert were taken, Cam told one of them that his seat had been reserved . . . for me. Since I was a
Westerner, the guy didn’t question or ask to see my ticket. He
simply moved onto the floor. I did allow him to lean against the side of my bench so I wasn't all bad. We spent
the journey dozing, conversing, reading and getting really sore behinds. Not
fun, but considerably better than standing or sitting on a filthy floor.
I’d witnessed with the Chinese boarding the train was certainly crazy to my
Western eyes as were the conditions of travel that those without reserved
tickets were forced endure. But, what was really crazy, was my
presence on the train. What was I doing travelling to the outer
regions of China alone with no understanding of the language? Obviously,
I was out of my mind.
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Nicola & I on travels in China |
was about to leave as well but I told her to stay, have a seat and wait. It was close to noon and they could be closing for lunch, but for some reason, I didn't believe them. Sure enough, five minutes later after everyone had left,
the bank miraculously opened. II’d just seen this same
frustration in service workers when we’d been travelling in China. Nicola and I were in a similar crowd
attempting to book a room at a Beijing Hotel. The hotel clerk suddenly announced that there were no
more rooms. We’d waited for everyone to leave and then, when
they had, we were offered a room in the Overseas Chinese section of
the hotel. Overseas Chinese were those of the Chinese race who no longer lived in mainland China. Mr. Ye, our friend and translator for a
course we took in China had emphasized how losing face is a bit problem in
China and Japan. It’s better to avoid a situation than have it result in embarrassment.
Because the tellers couldn’t deal the number of foreigners trying to
change money, they simply told them that the bank was closed.
the clerks crazy to lie to the tourists? Maybe. Were the
tourist crazy to believe them that the bank was actually closed? Definitely
not. It’s a Western tradition that we don’t lie, particularly if
we’re in a position of authority. Was I crazy to stay? Obviously
not. Nicola and I easily cashed our checks for desperately needed
Japanese Yen. Was the whole situation crazy? Maybe a
little but sometimes, a little crazy can help.
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President Tsai Ing-wen, Donald & President Xi Jinping - Hmm |
Americans are certainly going to get a little crazy after voting for Donald
Trump as their future president. Immediately, following the
election, he took a call of congratulations from the president of Taiwan
breaking a protocol that had been followed by previous American presidents going back
to 1979. Richard Nixon, the president at the time, strengthened ties
with Mainland China by recognizing their “one-China” policy and removing the
American embassy from Taipei. Even
though the U.S. still trades extensively with Taiwan, they haven’t formally
recognized its existence which, up to this point in time, has been enough for
Mainland China not to lose face. Now, Donald is forcing their hand.
Who’s crazy in this situation? Is it Trump for refusing
to recognize a protocol that, at least on the surface, seems a little
crazy? Or, is it China who refuses to recognize the craziness of
their position on a one-China policy? Or, maybe it’s just me unable
to recognize nuances that may be playing out that are beyond my capacity to
understand. I certainly don’t understand the nuances of the
situation with my daughter at the airport. Being a parent, I’m
certainly not going to blame my daughter. After all, how serious can
a clerical mistake be? Would it endanger
the lives of the passengers aboard a plane? Would someone by the
name of Ramsey Jordan with the same nationality and passport number suddenly
appear at the gate demanding his or her seat.
Maybe that’s not my call. I will call “crazy” on the flight
attendant who didn’t let my daughter on a flight that would allow her return
home for Christmas, the only time we are together as a family all year
long. Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy.
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