Pride and Pragmatism - A New Look at Cuba
dictionary defines pride as “a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction
derived from one's own achievements.” Pride can also be associated with “the
achievements of those with whom one is closely associated.” In this way, we can
feel pride for being associated with a business or a professional organization
or a volunteer group or religion or race. Pride can also be associated with being
of a certain nationality. For example, my wife and I were up at 4:00 a.m. to
watch the hockey final in the last Olympics. We found bar on Stony Plain Road that
was just packed. I wandered through the bar looking for a seat and found
nothing. We were just about to leave when a group of people at a table by the
door made room for us on the bench where they were sitting. Would I be racist
to say that none were of European decent? I’ve rarely had so much fun watching
a hockey game. Canada took control from the start and the crowd struck up their
own renditions of “Oh Canada” throughout the game.
In this age of globalization, people have begun to associate themselves with an ideology to almost as
great an extent as
their nationality. In the U.S.,
you have the Red and Blue States. The Red State people believe that people
should be self-reliant. They should be able to keep the gains of their hard
work. They believe in as little interference as possible by the government in
people’s lives. The Blue State people believe that certain essential services must
be provided for or guaranteed by government; services like healthcare and
education and a minimum standard of living. In Canada, the difference between
conservative and liberal beliefs have also become more pronounced and more
entrenched in the minds of their followers. In Alberta, the ideological
difference between Peter Lougheed’s Progressive Conservatives and the Liberals
and NDPs would have more a matter of degree than kind. Today, the Wildrose advocate an almost libertarian
point of view where the government has little or no involvement in the economy
and I would suspect a united party would reflect that view.
People like to take pride in their association with either
group ideological group. Ironically, many of the people in states that voted
for Donald Trump are most likely to suffer under his leadership. Nevertheless,
they take pride in the qualities of the self-made man (or woman) he espouses.
They also share in his hatred of immigrants who come into their country and do
not obviously share their values because they practice different religions of
wear “weird” clothing. Likewise, the liberals take pride in having elected the
first black president and the kind of values he espouses like universal
Why have we become so entrenched in our beliefs? Why can’t we look at the goals we want to achieve as a society and decide the best method of achieving those. There is no ideal. At one time, government intervention may be necessary. At others, capitalism and free enterprise will be the answer for promoting growth and stability. Sometimes, government regulation is necessary. At others, it’s not. Why do we have to affiliate our identity with an ideological belief? We need to be more pragmatic.

In essence, this is what Francis Fukuyama is saying went
wrong with the Arab Spring. A bunch of democracies sprang up without the necessary
infrastructure to support them. As a result, the crumbles almost as fast as
they arose. For this reason, he says the strongest democracies are those that were
established most recently in Western Europe. These countries had years under
aristocratic and military rule. Because they were in constant conflict or the
threat thereof, a strong and competent professional bureaucracy necessarily
evolved to effectively manage these nations in an age of ever-growing complexity.
According to Samuel Huntington in his book, “Political Order in Changing Societies” societies are better off when they made a transition from an authoritarian state to a fully modernized political and economic one. China and Vietnam would be examples. Communism isolated these countries and forced the development of a competent bureaucracy. With a professional bureaucracy, they are now better positioned to take advantage of the benefits of capitalism without becoming victims to its faults.
According to Samuel Huntington in his book, “Political Order in Changing Societies” societies are better off when they made a transition from an authoritarian state to a fully modernized political and economic one. China and Vietnam would be examples. Communism isolated these countries and forced the development of a competent bureaucracy. With a professional bureaucracy, they are now better positioned to take advantage of the benefits of capitalism without becoming victims to its faults.
As Canadians, we have played second fiddle to our southern
neighbours but we have a common heritage. We share a common language and share
a similar religious, social and cultural heritage. Most importantly, we share a
common political and economic background. Both political systems are both
dependent on a separation of powers with executive, legislative and judicial branches
and elected leaders in the executive and legislative branches. (The proviso for
the United States would be that only the president is elected and he selects
his cabinet from members of the public.)
Our economic systems are largely capitalist with some government
intervention in what the citizens of each country consider essential services.
Not so for our Latin American cousins south of the U.S.
border. Many, like Mexico, inherited political systems based on rule by a
privileged elite. This elite owned the mines and haciendas upon which most of
the economy was based. With huge disparities of income, power was necessarily
controlled by a strong central government. When that disappeared, so does the
control. According to Mr. Fukuyama, Mexico’s Institutional Revolutionary Party
maintained a strong political order from the 1940s to the year 2000 but at the
expense of democracy and economic vitality. Since that time, it’s spiraled into
a country of relative chaos.
Pre-Castro Cuba was haven for gambling, prostitution and drugs.
“Havana was what Las Vegas has
become” says one Cuban historian. In fact, it
became so central to the Mafia that Lucky Luciano held a meeting in Havana in
1946 between the U.S. Mafia and the Cosa Nostra; since known as the Havana
Conference. The rich and famous flocked to Havana including the likes of Ava
Gardner, Frank Sinatra and Ernest Hemingway. The El Florida bar in Havana
claims to have been a favourite hangout for Ernest and has named a daiquiri in
his honour. Another writer, Arthur Miller, who later dined with Castro,
described pre-revolutionary Cuba and society under President Batista’s regime
as “hopelessly corrupt, a Mafia playground, a bordello for Americans and other

Even though a middle class had sprung up during this time,
much of the population did not share in its prosperity. More than 40% of the
Cuban workforce was unemployed or underemployed in 1958. Many of these people
were seriously malnourished and without hospitals in the rural areas where they
lived. Grave yards dotted the main highways in the Sierra Maestra where the
sick had died waiting for a ride to the nearest city. Education was unavailable
in the rural areas so only half of the rural population could read and
write. Just 10% of rural homes had
electricity and 15% running water. Racism proliferated with Afro-Cubans holding
the worst jobs and living in the worst conditions. Beaches were segregated and even
President Batista was excluded from membership to one of the most exclusive

During its
early years as a country, Canada combined capital initiative with government
intervention to provide essential services to a population sparsely spread over
a gigantic land mass. Alberta Government Telephones (AGT) was created in 1906
to provide telephone services to customers outside the Edmonton area until it
was privatized in 1991. For other utilities, the government was forced to
respond to complaints regarding access and prices by creating quasi-judicial
bodies to regulate in 1915. In 1936, the
CBC provided radio and later television services to communities outside the
major centres.
Unfortunately for Cuba, provision of utilities was not entirely within its control since 80% of them were owned by U.S. corporations. As well, U.S. companies owned “90% of the Cuban mines, 50 percent of its railways, 40 percent of its sugar production and 25 percent of its bank deposits—some $1 billion in total.” 1. So, what to do? How to take control of a country when so much of it is owned by outsiders? The Cuban solution was the same as the actions taken by Vietnam and China. Become communist.
After the revolution in 1959, Fidel nationalized everything. As a consequence, his country paid dearly. IN 1962, President Kennedy placed an embargo on trade with Cuba which President Obama partially lifted last year. The Soviet Union initiated trade with Castro’s Cuba and provided a yearly stipend of $6 billion dollars. That disappeared with the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. Since that time, life has become considerably harsher for the Cuban people. The average wage is $25 a month and the country has inadequate access to medical supplies.
Unfortunately for Cuba, provision of utilities was not entirely within its control since 80% of them were owned by U.S. corporations. As well, U.S. companies owned “90% of the Cuban mines, 50 percent of its railways, 40 percent of its sugar production and 25 percent of its bank deposits—some $1 billion in total.” 1. So, what to do? How to take control of a country when so much of it is owned by outsiders? The Cuban solution was the same as the actions taken by Vietnam and China. Become communist.
After the revolution in 1959, Fidel nationalized everything. As a consequence, his country paid dearly. IN 1962, President Kennedy placed an embargo on trade with Cuba which President Obama partially lifted last year. The Soviet Union initiated trade with Castro’s Cuba and provided a yearly stipend of $6 billion dollars. That disappeared with the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. Since that time, life has become considerably harsher for the Cuban people. The average wage is $25 a month and the country has inadequate access to medical supplies.
Vietnam and China, Cuba has turned to the private sector to stimulate economic
growth. Cuba
has sent envoys to the two countries to better understand how
these economies have transitioned from government to capitalist enterprise. In
2011, the government fired 500,000 police and issued one million private
licenses to businesses to sell products and services. It also allowed reversed property
laws to allow it citizens to buy and sell houses. As one lady stated in an Al
Jazeera documentary, it “forces owners to sell products of a better quality and
of a wider range . . . It gives back our culture of commerce.”
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Plea for Trump to lift embargo |
Cuba is in a better position to embrace a capitalist system than many of its
neighbours. Consider the opinion of a writer for Bloomberg financial magazine. He states that you’re better off being born in Cuba than Puerto
Rico, a territory of the U.S. since 1898. To support his argument, he uses information provided by CIA World Factbook. He states, “Lower infant mortality? Check!
Same with lower unemployment, higher literacy, and a lower overall death rate.”
According to Index Mundi, Cuba is one of only two countries in Latin America with a literacy rate of 100%. The intentional homicide rate is ranked just one above Canada’s at 563 per hundred thousand. That compares with the U.S. at 12,996, ranked 13th or Mexico at 25,757 or third worst in the world.2. When visiting Cuba, the Government of Canada advises travelers to exercise a normal security precautions. That would be the same as Britain or Germany or Belgium. For Mexico, where considerably more Canadians visit, the government advises visitors to exercise a high degree of caution and, in the Northern and Western States, that non-essential travel be avoided. A New York travel agent sold out his tour of Cuba in a matter of hours. A Cuban American investor has $300 million ready to invest in Cuba as soon the possibility opens up.
Allegiance to one ideology is a mistake. Pragmatism allows a greater variety of actions to be considered as a solution. Like communism, capitalism is not necessarily right in every situation. The goal of a corporation is to control the market and, by so doing, limit competition. In the case of essential services such a health, or electricity or gas, the danger of collusion is particularly great and so, government regulation may be necessary. Foreign influence may become so strong that a country may no longer control its own destiny. Cuba provided an example for independence in other countries.
According to Index Mundi, Cuba is one of only two countries in Latin America with a literacy rate of 100%. The intentional homicide rate is ranked just one above Canada’s at 563 per hundred thousand. That compares with the U.S. at 12,996, ranked 13th or Mexico at 25,757 or third worst in the world.2. When visiting Cuba, the Government of Canada advises travelers to exercise a normal security precautions. That would be the same as Britain or Germany or Belgium. For Mexico, where considerably more Canadians visit, the government advises visitors to exercise a high degree of caution and, in the Northern and Western States, that non-essential travel be avoided. A New York travel agent sold out his tour of Cuba in a matter of hours. A Cuban American investor has $300 million ready to invest in Cuba as soon the possibility opens up.
Allegiance to one ideology is a mistake. Pragmatism allows a greater variety of actions to be considered as a solution. Like communism, capitalism is not necessarily right in every situation. The goal of a corporation is to control the market and, by so doing, limit competition. In the case of essential services such a health, or electricity or gas, the danger of collusion is particularly great and so, government regulation may be necessary. Foreign influence may become so strong that a country may no longer control its own destiny. Cuba provided an example for independence in other countries.
During the 1970s, Angola achieved
independence from Portugal with a pro-communist party. In reaction, forces
within the Angola, with help from South Africa and the United States, attempted
to overthrow that government. In response and completely
independent of the Soviet Union, Cuba sent its own troops to support the
government. The defeat of South African forces in Cuito Cuanavele in 1987 by
the Cuban backed forces in Angola, provided inspiration for Nelson Mandela and
his anti-apartheid movement. After his release from prison, Mr. Mandela
stated that the Cuban victory “destroyed the myth of the invincibility of the
white oppressor . . . [and] inspired the fighting masses of South Africa . . .
Cuito Cuanavale was the turning point for the liberation of our continent – and
of my people – from the scourge of apartheid.”
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