Garth Brooks, Christmas and My Dog, Russell

Russell waiting for his stick to be thrown.
I sit in my chair in the living room
Dominated by a scraggly tree
Decorated with dozens of ornaments
Collected over the years.
I hear the first chords of "Let It Snow"
Sung by Garth Brooks,
Played over my Sonos stereo,
And I'm transported back in time.
I'm running,
A Sony Discman held in my hand.
Snow falls softly
Cushioning thrum of tires
And engines propelling vehicles
On the roadway across the frozen spillway
From where I run.
My dog, Russell carries a stick
That he occasionally drops
Expecting my to throw it.
And a surge of loss sweeps over me.
Yet, I'm grateful
For all the years
Shared in his company.


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