
Showing posts from 2022

Anthropomorphism and Our Dogs, Pippa and Finian

  Anthropomorphism, that’s when people attribute human characteristics to animals. Humans and animals share the same genetic origin and so, share common characteristics. This was an idea postulated by Charles Darwin, later disregarded by scientists who believed “animal behaviour revealed simple mechanical laws that made mentalistic explanations unnecessary.” 1 But, lately, scientists believe that animals do have human characteristics. For example, personality has been observed in birds, horses, cats, and, of course, dogs.    May I introduce our own, Pippa and Finian, Finny for short. They are both terriers of the Scottish variety and share a genetic desire to kill small creatures. When one of these creatures climbs a tree or retreats in a hole, Pippa will cry in frustration. Kill. That’s all that seems to be going through her head and Finny isn’t much different. The dogs and us on the trail Recently, I had Finian on the leash in the treeless, alpine region of the high mo...

Flag Wavers

  We were again treated to images of flag wavers calling for their rights and freedoms on the streets and lawn in front of the Parliaments buildings in Ottawa. Driving through the Okanagan recently, we passed a few pickups covered in stickers calling for freedom and unity with a minimum of two Canadian giant flags secured by poles to the back of their truck beds. Anywhere they can fit them. Canadian flags and calls for freedom, freedom, freedom. My wife referred to them as clown trucks.     I have to agree with her to an extent. Anyone with any connection to world has seen what’s going on in Ukraine. Someone invades your country with the goal of putting in a puppet government and robbing you of all your rights to sovereignty and suddenly you’re no longer a citizen of that country. You’re a province of another. All your democratic rights are gone along with your right to self-determination and all the loss of freedom that entails.    People around the world conne...

Retirement, a time for recalibrating

I believe one of the secrets to retirement is self-discipline. We suddenly return to a life more in common with children than other adults especially if we are no longer required to work to live. Suddenly our time is our own.  After my dad retired, he and my mom built an addition to their cabin. The project took them over a year of constant labour using blueprints designed by my brother who’d just completed a degree in architecture. That design required that the roof be supported by single, one and a half story beam. Can you imagine?  First, they had to find suitable tree in the forest. Then, they would have had to cut it down, delimbed it, peeled the bark off and varnished it. But, the hard part would have been erecting this huge log, held it in place, and then secured it in place.  He and my mom couldn’t have done that on their own but who else could have helped? Maybe my sister, brother, and his wife. I’m embarrassed not to know. There was no timeline or expectation of...

The meaning of life. Are you kidding?

  I had a conversation with a friend about jobs and meaning and, without one, you can’t have the other. And so, I wondered, is this true? And, of course, I generalized that even further to wonder if, without purpose, can life have meaning? I posed a version of this question to my wife and she replied, I’m not talking about it.    But my friend was so passionate, it was difficult to ignore. He’s in the oil industry and he’s seen many of his friends lose their jobs. My daughter was in the oil industry. She made a lot of money for a young woman her age, less that her male counterparts, but still a lot.    My friend has three houses, each worth more than one of mine, so I figured, unless the friends he was talking about were young like my daughter, they would have accumulated a considerable sum of money and capital. Certainly, more than I, as a teacher, had done.   He and I are the same age. I’m retired. I haven’t lost my meaning. Does he fear doing the same sh...

The Stupid Shall Inherit the Earth

  In the beginning, there was man and man could think and he had an opposable thumb so that he could plan how to kill using a club or spear he could hold. And then, there was fire and he could cook his food and his tummy wouldn’t hurt after eating. And there were chiefs who the rest could obey . . . or not because who was the chief anyway? You had your freedom but most of you didn’t live past the age of 25.   And then there was agriculture and kings and writing to keep track of what was the king’s. And writing was also used to create stories and the men who told these stories were called priests and monks And only they could communicate with God and so, when they told the people that God had chosen their king, they believed them and the people would fight to the death anyone who would attempt to injure or kill their king or take away what was his which was originally theirs. And you didn’t have a lot of freedom what with tending animals and growing shit and giving everything t...