The Stupid Shall Inherit the Earth
In the beginning, there was man and man could think and he had an opposable thumb so that he could plan how to kill using a club or spear he could hold.
And then, there was fire and he could cook his food and his tummy wouldn’t hurt after eating.
And there were chiefs who the rest could obey . . . or not because who was the chief anyway? You had your freedom but most of you didn’t live past the age of 25.
And then there was agriculture and kings and writing to keep track of what was the king’s.
And writing was also used to create stories and the men who told these stories were called priests and monks
And only they could communicate with God and so, when they told the people that God had chosen their king, they believed them and the people would fight to the death anyone who would attempt to injure or kill their king or take away what was his which was originally theirs.
And you didn’t have a lot of freedom what with tending animals and growing shit and giving everything to the king but you would probably live to the age of about 55.
Charlemagne crowned emperor by Pope Leo III |
And then, a man by the name of Johanne Gutenberg thought, when I print books, what if instead of carving whole pages of text, I carve individual letters and move those letters around so that the same letters could be used for many pages. How much faster would that be?
And instead of just printing the ideas of God, I could print the ideas of men and I’ll call that content.
And that content could fill many pages that could be printed on my press for which these content creators must pay me.
And one of the earliest content creators was Martin Luther and Martin wrote, don’t listen to the priests or the Pope. They don’t need to tell you about God. You can find out for yourself.
And he translated the bible into high and low German and the bible became a best seller.
And congregations of protestant churches were formed
And these Protestant churches spread all over Europe and the New World
And people wondered, if the priests and the Pope aren’t the only ones to interpret the bible
Then is it right for them to tell us who should be king?
And people like Thomas Hobbes and John Locke and John Stuart Mill and Jean Jacques Rousseau and Charles Montesquieu wrote about the future of government.
And learned people read these books and thought about these ideas
And the people of America revolted and created their own country with a constitution that made rules for the people to choose who leads them.
And France also revolted and got rid of their king and wrote their own constitution whereby the people would decide who led them
And the French fought other countries
And they fought not for the king or fear of punishment
They fought for themselves. Their country. Their nation.
As did other men and women after them.
And all these nations chose their leaders
And from newspapers and books, people learned about these leaders and their decisions
And they learned about the ideas of those who thought they could lead better
And people wrote about history and about themselves and about others and some just made up stories to entertain the people
And the printing presses were humming, and the descendants of Johannes were happy.
Very happy
Descendants like Rudolf Hearst and Conrad Black and Hugh Hefner.
And others became rich in knowledge and not money.
And their ideas would change how we looked at the world
People like Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr
And women became players in a world once reserved for men
Women like Marie Curie, Jane Goodall, and Margaret Mead
And their work was all printed on paper
And not everyone could understand what they’d written
Because these were persons of knowledge
And not everyone had that knowledge
But we accepted that
Because there were benefits
The creation of stuff
Like steel and cement and radios and televisions and cars, electricity, and vaccines
And, compared to our ancestors, we were infinitely wealthier and healthier and more numerous.
And people lived an average of 73 years in the nation of Canada.
Then, in the early 1970s, nerds invented personal computers
And a young nerd by the name of Bill Gates wrote an operating code for what was called IBM compatible PCs
And he called this code DOS and his company Microsoft.
And to his surprise,
He made more money on his code than the companies that made computers.
But computing power was doubling every two years,
And Apple and Microsoft created computer codes that allowed the user to point and click to open programs and use them
So simple
A child could use it
And they did
More than adults
And then, in 1983, the internet began with the creation of a standard protocol suite called TCP/IP.
And if you don’t understand that, it’s because you don’t have to.
Because, in 1989, the World Wide Web was created
And suddenly, people didn’t even have to read to use the internet.
They could just point and click
And up would come some boobs or porn or cute kittens playing with balls of yarn
And scientists and scholars could coordinate their research anywhere in the world
And never before could people be more informed about the world
Or more ignorant
Portable point and click came with the iPhone in 2007
Then Steve Jobs introduced the iPad and people went, what the fuck is this?
It’s not an iPhone or a computer but they bought it anyway
And they all supported these publishing platforms
Like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram
To share their experiences and ideas using the internet
No more paper
No more proofreading
No more ensuring that the ideas made sense
Or the images were clear
Just point and click.
And the people who created content and shared it
No matter how smart or stupid
Could enjoy the same claim to legitimacy.
So when an anonymous character by the name of Q
Told the world that Hillary Clinton was part of a global elite
Who sexually abused children and then ate them
And they met in the basement of a pizza joint in Washington
Was just as legitimate as statements made by returning officers
That Joe Biden won the 2020 election
But the Donald never loses so it must have been fixed
And his followers believed his claims
And attacked the Washington Capitol
And the Republican Party called it “Legitimate Political Discourse.”
Or a claim that COVID is the same as the flu
And more people have died from the vaccine than the actual virus
Was just as legitimate as the fact that millions have died
As documented by governments and hospitals
Or that the vaccine contains a tracking microchip that will provide the government with the movement of anyone who’s received it.
Or as Pat King, one of the Freedom Convoy’s organizers has stated,
“The government is part of a plot to depopulate the Anglo-Saxon race
Because they are the ones with the strongest bloodline.”
And when people cry “Freedom” at these rallies
They mean something more than they just don’t want to have to present vaccine passports
To enter restaurants or go to a concert or cross the American border
Or return
Even if they can’t tell us what it is.
Because, with the point and click
And a few ungrammatical sentences filled with creative spelling
They’ve achieved the same legitimacy as experts in epidemiology
Or political science
Or human physiology
Because why else would they drive their trucks to Ottawa
Or blockade the borders in Windsor, Coutts or Emerson
Their words have the same power as John Locke or Adam Smith
The same power
Because they are sourced by the same medium
Stupidity claims the same legitimacy as expertise
And who knows
Perhaps, they shall inherit the earth
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