Lovin' That Convoy

 As a truck driver, I get emotional seeing this convoy and all the supporters and their flags and hearing about other convoys right across this great land. It’s great to see all these Canadians coming together to thank us for all the sacrifices we made during the pandemic. It’s great that they recognize how we kept people alive by putting food on their tables when some people were getting paid CERB to do nothing, and other people were “working” from home on the computer in their jammies. At the time, I thought I was just another trucker doing my job making money, but now people are calling me a hero and you know what? Maybe I am.  And now us everyday heroes started a movement. A movement to fight for freedom. I’m choked up just thinkin about it.

 So here I am in Ottawa. And I’m not going anywhere. I’m gonna stay here until Turdeau resigns or changes the damn COVID rules. Canada’s like Nazi Germany all over again. I’m being persecuted like I’m a member of goddamn minority like a Jew with a yellow star. It’s a fucking socialist dictatorship. The way I look at it? My body, my rights. Who are they to tell me what poison to put in my body? Some untested chemicals? Who knows what the side effects are? Ten years from now, all these sheep are gonna have long term effects from their precious Fizer and what have you. White women will all be sterile. Fuckin communist plot to keep the white people down. I’m not havin’ it.


 I mean, Fuck Trudeau. I didn’t vote for him. Did you? Nobody I know voted for him but there he is in Ottawa thinking he’s leader of the whole nation. Him and his little wife, doesn’t take a genius to know who wears the pants in that family. 


And what about our rights and freedoms? What about them? What about our constitution? I’m not givin up my god given rights. Not without a fight. Live free or die. You question whether I’d rather die than lose my freedom? Well that’s why I’m here. I’ll die for my freedom. I don’t care if I get the China bat fungus or whatever the fuck you want to call it. I don’t even believe in COVID. People dying OF Covid, or WITH Covid?  Just a bunch of old people and people who were sick anyway with whaddya call it, co-morbidities? It’s just something the chinks made up to scare us so that we shut down our businesses and they can take over the world economy. Over my dead body. 


I love all these people here today and I’m proud to call myself Canadian, not like all those tree-huggers who haven’t done a day’s real work in their life. Like driving truck. Feelin the weight of a wrench in your hand. Enjoyin a Coors Lite with the guys at night. And my woman’s behind me 100%. Karen’s a real woman who supports her man who’s not a pansy ass fuck hiding away in a bunker instead of facing the people. Ya. Fuck Trudeau. 


Maxine Bernier’s out there marching with the people. Just goes to show you that all frog’s aren’t socialist freaks. And Pierre Polieve. Too bad he’s another Frog but he’s like Maxine who’s part of the convoy and who doesn’t love Maxine. White race all the way, right. I mean there are other races involved in this convoy but it’s the white race that has to prevail. That’s Canada. It’s always been white and it should stay white. 


Maybe Maxine’s like our version of Trump. You can’t win an election without the frogs so maybe you have to compromise. A little French for a lot of white. Cause, we need a strong man like Putin or that guy from Brazil. Those guys know what’s what and if I voted for them my vote would count, not be stolen from me like I know must have happened with Turdeau. Otherwise he wouldn’t be leader. We’d have that O’tool guy. I hate him too but not as much as Trudeau. Anybody’s better than Trudeau. Fuck Trudeau. 


So, here we are, wandering around Ottawa. Never been here before. Looks nice but all the shops and bars are shut and geez it’s cold and who would have known that it’s so far south. At least I know the police are on my side. I know that because somebody said they saw it on Twitter. And some MPs and MLAs and stuff. The people with power.


So what’s my message? I don’t know. It's nice to be here with so many of my kind. Many I'll just hang with them for while.



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