Wolves and the Sheep (Plus the Shepherds)

I turned down the sporting goods aisle at Canadian Tire to see three guys without masks browsing the guns and ammunition. Then, my wife and I were in the Christmas decorating aisle checking out the after-Christmas sales when I saw a family walk by, chubby mom, chubby dad and chubby son also not wearing masks. This is after going through the entrance informing me that masks are mandatory and reminding me to practice social distancing.

And I ask myself, what is going through their heads. I posed this question to my wife, and she said, Nothing’s going through their head. They haven’t gotten sick so why would you? But what I wonder is if these people even care about me . . . or anyone else either. Do they go through life with brains like an echo chamber repeating everything they’ve been told by their friends and social media?

That COVIDs a conspiracy and we’re nothing but sheep to go along with the rules and they’re not. They’re wolves. They’re independent and fierce. They can think for themselves. They don’t need scientists to tell them what to do. They can figure these things out for themselves.

Like, didn’t you know that Bill Gates created the virus to sterilize men and women? Or that COVID doesn’t even exist, that the symptoms are caused by the 5G networks. And Bill Gates. Or, Bill Gates is using the vaccines to inject microchips in our arms that are activated by, you guessed it, 5G. Or, Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci are funding research into bioweapons in China with the goal of destroying the United States. (Bill Gates also eats children as part of a Satanic ritual and had a cabal of child traffickers that included Jeffrey Epstein.)

Being a wolf is exciting. After all, they’re fierce and independent and they can pack and it’s always fun being part of a pack. They also intimidate sheep. They’re not afraid of a making a scene should they be asked to conform to the health regulations of the province. They don’t mind a little confrontation. It gives substance to their stupidity.

They didn’t go to university. They didn’t study science. But, who needs science? Science is for the sheep. But, what about the shepherds who look after the sheep. Should wolves become too much trouble for the shepherds and their sheep, shepherds have the power to kill the wolves. In fact, in the present day, wolves are completely at the mercy of shepherds. If they pose too much danger to the sheep, then they will be eliminated.

But, shepherds don’t necessarily want to do that. Wolves are necessary to the ecosystem. It helps to have wolves if they are controlled. That’s why we have mask rules, to control the wolves. Most sheep would wear masks if they knew it was best for themselves and others. They wouldn’t need rules or threats. They would do what they felt was right and most benefit to the group.

So, we put up with wolves . . . until we don’t. Premier Legault says that he’ll force anti-vaxers to pay a financial penalty. He says that the 10% of unvaccinated adults fill 50% of the intensive care beds in Quebec. Fines for the unvaccinated are also planned by the Greek and Austrian governments. Australia has revoked Novak Djokovic’s visa again.

And so it goes, the wolves against the sheep with occasional interference from the shepherds. At the end of the day, we have to ask what constitutes freedom. Is it a freedom from or a freedom to? In some countries like the U.S. and the U.K., the freedom to is winning, hands down while others, like Korea, the freedom from has been the chosen course of action. The U.S. has 19,538 cases per 100,000, the U.K. has 22,395 per 100,000 and South Korea, 1322 per 100,000. And Canada, 7,186 per 100,000.

The safety of the majority versus the freedom of a few. If the few could qualify their freedom not to wear masks and forego vaccinations with reasons, I would support them fully. But they don’t so they should follow the rules like everyone else. Wear a mask or don’t shop in store and don’t expect to participate in social activities such as concerts, movie theatres or restaurant dining. There is a choice. They’ve made it. They should be forced to live with it.

But, will they and will we force them?


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